Tyler Ingram Photography

Vancouver Island Photographer

Family Photos at Lynn Canyon Park in North Vancouver

This was a fun session for family photos, actually they are all fun! I met a fellow co-worker and her family at Lynn Canyon on an early Saturday morning. If  you have never been to Lynn Canyon Park, you should definitely plan to go one day. Take your kids! Though the first portion some people my find a bit… unnerving. The suspension bridge at Lynn Canyon is shorter than the one at Capilano, but it’s more narrow and the best part is you don’t have to pay to cross over it! The park is fairly large and covered by a beautiful tree canopy.

Depending on which way you turn after crossing the suspension bridge, you can follow along the river if you chose to go left, or head to some smaller waterfalls if you go right. We decided to head left and walk towards “30-foot”.

Family Photos at Lynn Caynon Park in North Vancouver 01
Family Photos at Lynn Canyon Park in North Vancouver 02
Family Photos at Lynn Canyon Park in North Vancouver 03
Family Photos at Lynn Canyon Park in North Vancouver 04
Family Photos at Lynn Canyon Park in North Vancouver 05
Family Photos at Lynn Canyon Park in North Vancouver 06
Family Photos at Lynn Canyon Park in North Vancouver 07
Family Photos at Lynn Valley Park in North Vancouver 08

It was an enjoyable morning walking around the forest; the air was crisp and clean, the light was good and it wasn’t very busy. As with other family lifestyle photo sessions I have done, I never want the session to end, as I could easy stay all day taking photos.

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