Tyler Ingram Photography

Vancouver Island Photographer

Family Photos at Blackie Spit in South Surrey

One of my favourite places to do family photos is at Blackie Spit, especially during the late evening. This was the first family lifestyle photo session that I did for one of our friends and it was done a bit later in the year when the weather was fairly chilly in the evening. I recently did a session with them for their newest family addition, but I thought I would post some photos from the first session I did with them when they just had C. C was a trooper in the chilly evening at Blackie Spit. The breeze off the ocean was cold as the sun made its way down to the horizon. Even if the temperature was not warm, the light was warm and I’ve always enjoyed shooting when the sun is low on the horizon because of the warm it provides some of the imagery.

Here are a few photos from that evening.

Family Photos at Blackie Spit in South Surrey 01
Family Photos at Blackie Spit in South Surrey 02
Family Photos at Blackie Spit in South Surrey 03
Family Photos at Blackie Spit in South Surrey 04
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